Messapia cover image
Messapia Family Overview
  • Invocazione alla Musa Messapia Regular
  • Origine dell’odio di Giunone Messapia Bold
48 px
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Messapia Regular

Messapia Regular

Messapia Regular

Messapia Regular

Messapia Bold

Messapia Bold

Messapia Bold

Messapia Bold

Messapia Regular

Un dia, Hèracles i Deianira [4] havien de creuar un riu i un centaure anomenat Nessos s’oferí per ajudar la jove esposa a creuar-lo. La seva intenció era endur-se-la i violar-la, però així que Hèracles s’adonà del que pretenia li disparà una sageta enverinada i el centaure morí. Abans, però, digué a Deianira que guardés part de la seva sang i la fes servir per untar-la sobre la roba d’Hèracles si algun dia dubtava del seu amor i el volia recuperar. Deianira ho feu així. Al cap d’un temps, gelosa de la preferència d’Hèracles per Iole, filla del rei d’Ecàlia [3], va voler assegurar-se el seu amor untant la sang del centaure en la camisa de l’heroi. Així que Hèracles se la posà, la roba començà a cremar-li la pell. Quan intentava treure-se-la, la carn se li desprenia dels ossos. D'aquesta manera, l’heroi es desfeu de la seva carn mortal i pujà a l’Olimp, amb els altres déus. Un cop allà aconseguí fer les paus amb Hera i ella li donà en matrimoni la seva filla Hebe, deessa de la joventut.

Messapia Bold

The punishment of Prometheus for stealing fire from Olympus and giving it to humans is a subject of both ancient and modern culture. Zeus, king of the Olympian gods, condemned Prometheus to eternal torment for his transgression. Prometheus was bound to a rock, and an eagle – the emblem of Zeus – was sent to eat his liver (in ancient Greece, the liver was thought to be the seat of human emotions). His liver would then grow back overnight, only to be eaten again the next day in an ongoing cycle. According to several major versions of the myth, most notably that of Hesiod, Prometheus was eventually freed by the hero Heracles. In yet more symbolism, the struggle of Prometheus is located by some at Mount Elbrus or at Mount Kazbek, two volcanic promontories in the Caucasus Mountains beyond which for the ancient Greeks lay the realm of the barbarii. In another myth, Prometheus establishes the form of animal sacrifice practiced in ancient Greek religion. Evidence of a cult to Prometheus himself is not widespread.

Messapia Regular

Messapia Bold

Messapia Regular

Messapia Bold

Messapia Regular

Messapia Bold

OpenType Features
Standard Ligatures
Karloff, Mefisto, Fireflies and fhito
1/2 ox heart, and 3/4 snake skin
[31 x 54,8] ≈ 16.988
Character Set
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