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Sinistre cover image
Sinistre Family Overview
  • What does a sustainable civilization look like? Sinistre Regular
  • Зловісний Scriptorium Colllectivus Aperta Principium Sinistre Bold
  • Love, Laugh, Live by the Sword, stay Flamboyant Sinistre Dark
Type here…
Sinistre Dark
Sinistre Regular
Sinistre Bold
Sinistre Regular
Sinistre Bold
Sinistre Regular
Sinistre Regular
Sinistre Dark
OpenType Features
Standard Ligatures
AV Æ EN ET NN Œ RP RY TT Kh Ky æ œ fb ff fh fi ffi fk fl ft ra ß ©
Stylistic Set 1
ME KESKUSTELEMME TÄSTÄ TOISELLA ERÄÄ; etkö käsitä, ett'ei meidän rakkautemme koske ketään muuta kuin meitä itseämme?
Stylistic Set 2
In Use

Donate to support our Open Source font catalogue

Collletttivo is an independent type practice that lives on thanks to the work of its members and the support of the many downloading and using their typefaces. If you like any of our fonts, please consider donating to the collective. Your support helps us keep the website running and offloads some printing, distribution and travel expenses.
As a warm thank you to all our donors, following is a list of our contributors: